The Solstice, or the longest day and shortest night of the year, is celebrated with practices ranging from spiritual to practical. Many people choose to use tarot cards, which can be useful divination tools. The cards can help you look at your situation from a new perspective, and help you see beyond your current limitations.
The first day of spring is upon us and with it comes hope for new beginnings, new life, and new growth. This is a time for spiritual growth, and for taking action towards your intentions.
Your life path is a meaningful sequence of events that display the events you need to accomplish in order to obtain a goal. As a simple example, let’s say your work goal is to develop a new software app for your company. This app may be something that has been on your mind for a while or something that you think could be a profitable venture. You could do a rough assessment of the work you have to do in order to reach your goal by taking a Tarot spread. By using the Tarot card spread, many people find that their lives become clearer.
20. March Here in the Northern Hemisphere, spring is beginning, and although I’m still wearing my winter coat today, my heart is beginning to believe that warmer weather and greener living will soon be at the door.

I don’t like winter, and by March at the latest I’m tired of seeing dirty snow, brown and wilted plants, being cold, curled up and restricted. In this pandemic year, I am very grateful for the rare exceptionally warm days, blue skies and sunshine in cold weather, because walking is one of the few things I can still do outdoors, and when the winter winds blow, I find it harder to motivate myself for daily constitutional walks. As Ostara and the equinox approach, I am ready to let go, to manifest all that has been hidden and seeping into me during the winter months, and then to grow and flourish.
I think of Persephone as she makes her way through the darkness into the world of light and life, and I welcome her into our midst. I ask my soul to make the same journey. I experience the spring equinox as a pause, the holding of the breath, a moment when we have a chance to come into perfect balance before the scales tip and the fullness of spring arrives. This is the time to become aware of the light and the dark within us, the joyful and heartbreaking events in our lives, when it becomes clear that both sides of the coin are necessary and must be appreciated.
Of course, this is the perfect time to turn to the Tarot, pause, ask the cards to tap into the energy of this powerful day and see what the Universe is trying to tell you. I created this tarot reading for the Spring Equinox to get a clearer picture of what might be out of balance in my own life, how to better align, and what might come from that. I hope it will affect you a lot too.
Here’s a very brief overview of the spread I did for the collective (for the world and everyone reading this right now):
Maps 1 and 2: Where we get out of balance in our lives – What a combination! So we feel like a tank at the starting gate waiting for the signal to go on. We want the world to open up so we can move on with our lives, we are so ready to put this last year behind us. But we need to be that recluse for a while. Many of us are still isolated, and we need to find a place where we feel comfortable with all this introspection. Maps 3 and 4: How can we balance these forces – peace and the Four of Sticks.
Know that everything has an end, that everything takes time to come full circle and then we will be triumphantly free. Finish your journey. In the meantime, stay connected to your friends, family and community as much as possible and celebrate every opportunity for joy, big or small. Maps 5 and 6: What will emerge, flourish and grow as we find balance is the Two of Cups and the Queen of Pentacles. We will understand what is really important to us, and we will value it. We will see that the bond with our neighbors does not weaken, and we will grow closer and closer to those we have not seen for a long time.
Our hard work will pay excellent dividends. That’s how it should be. We wish you a magical solstice and a beautiful spring! Read more about tarot spreads and let us know what you think.