The Top Must-know Things for Beginner Video Editors

If you are a beginner video editor.  In this blog post, we have collected some of the most important tips for beginners so that you can start editing right away. If video editing is something that excites and interests you then read on!
Just like choosing between dvi-d vs dvi-a, there are many things that you should know to help make your videos look great.

Make Sure You Learn Necessary Software


The first thing that you should do is to make sure that you are familiar with the software required for video editing. There are many different types of software, but in general, they all work similarly and contain a timeline on which video clips will be laid out in order before being rendered into a finished product. Most beginner editors tend to use iMovie which comes with Apple devices, or Windows Movie Maker which is included in the Microsoft package.

But the most professional video-makers prefer to use Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, InVideo, and DaVinci Resolve. So if you are serious about being a video maker, you can start directly from learning these programmes.

Video Editors Should Invest In Good Hardware

As video editing can take up a lot of memory and hard drive space, it is usually best to upgrade your hardware before you start video editing. This means having enough RAM memory and a solid-state drive SSD. If you are using Windows then it’s advisable that you have at least 16 GB of RAM, as well as an SSD with 256GB storage space or more. For Apple laptops, the minimum requirement for iMovie is usually at least 16 GB of RAM, but it is recommended that you have more than this to ensure your video editing runs smoothly.

Video Editors Should Know About Codecs And Formats

When importing footage into video editing software for the first time there are many different file formats and codecs that may come up which beginners should be aware of. As a general rule, it is best to import your footage in its original codec and format for the highest quality possible. If you have footage from a professional camera then chances are that this will be the case. However, if you use an older or low-quality device then some formats may not open up when imported into video editing software which will result in your video looking pixelated or blurry.

Video Editors Should Do Background Research


When you start to edit a video, it is important that you do some background research before getting too far into the project. This means checking out other videos from similar channels and taking note of what makes them good – whether this is the colour correction, the sound quality, or the way in which they are edited. This will give you a good idea of what to include in your video and how it can be improved!

Train Your Visualization

One of the most important skills you can have as a video editor is being able to imagine how your finished product will look. It’s very easy for beginners to get caught up in writing their script, recording footage and getting it all into editing software without taking time out to picture what the end result will be like. This means that when you are doing the editing process, it will be easier to spot when you need more footage or different shots.

Video Editors Should Create A Plan

Another critical tip for beginners is that when making videos, having a plan before starting is important. Have an outline ready including all necessary steps to take to finish the video, as well as all of the footage you need. This will make sure that your production is smooth and efficient with no time wasted on unnecessary tasks or editing processes.

Video Editors Should Edit With Ease


Finally, one last tip for beginner video editors is to stay relaxed! Video editing can be a stressful process but if you take the time to enjoy yourself and have fun with it, your videos will reflect this.

Colour Correct Your Clips

Whether you are shooting your own footage or editing it in, having at least some idea of how to use colour correction is important. This means that if the image isn’t looking as good on screen as it did when you were recording with a professional camera – then there is likely something wrong with the picture quality and this can be fixed by using colour correction.

Choosing The Right Music

When editing videos it is advisable to use music that isn’t copyrighted as this means your video may be taken down or you could even face legal action. This can be a problem for beginner video editors because of the difficulty in finding websites where they are able to legally download free music. However, there are some excellent sites online which have high-quality music that is free to download and use.

Try to Use Animation


If you are looking for a way to make your video stand out, then animation is the answer! By adding simple animations such as text and graphics into your finished product it can give it that little extra edge. If done correctly, this will be sure to grab the attention of both viewers and advertisers alike. You can create simple motion effects with Premiere Pro or similar programs. But for more complex animation you will need some skills at Adobe After Effects.

Video Editors Should Use A Monopod

A monopod can be a great investment for beginner video editors as it will allow them to film more stable footage which means less editing work later on! If you are just starting out, then chances are the camera you have doesn’t come with a tripod and holding it can be difficult, but with a monopod, you will avoid the problem of shaky footage altogether.

Video Editors Should Be Aware Of Copyright Laws

It is important that when you are creating videos if your video uses any copyrighted materials then it is essential to have permission from the copyright holder. If this isn’t possible then you may need to adjust your video accordingly or seek out similar footage instead.

Export Web Version


One final tip for beginner video editors is to export your YouTube videos as web versions. This means that people can watch them on different devices such as smartphones and tablets, which many users prefer compared to watching on a laptop or desktop computer screen.


Although video editing may seem like rocket science to beginners, it doesn’t have to be if you follow these simple tips. By learning how to use your software properly and having a good idea of what you are trying to create from the beginning, creating high-quality videos will soon become second nature. Just remember that in order for video editors to succeed, they need to be willing to learn.